eCommerce SEO Services

The #1 result on Google gets almost 32% of all clicks.
What’s the importance of getting on that coveted first page of Google results?

We’ll put it this way, 75% of people never go past the first page of search engine result pages (SERPs).

Clearly getting to the number 1 spot is a big deal, with 10x more people clicking that than #10, but simply making it on the first page is imperative.

Those 10 spots are something like the holy grail and we’ve fine-tuned our eCommerce SEO services to help you get there.

On-Page and Off-Page Optimization

Two peas in the SEO pod.
eCommerce sites are fundamentally different from standard websites or landing pages; there are simply more layers beneath the web design and more interconnected elements. To optimize it all for search engines requires work both on your website and off it.

On-page SEO is all about ensuring that your website itself is optimized for search.

That means we do a technical analysis of your existing eCommerce website and make sure your content, on product pages and elsewhere, is well written (i.e., for people not algorithms) and in such a way that search engines can find it. We get below the surface and dig into the coding, URL structure, tags, internal linking and more to make sure they send up the right SEO signals too. If we’re developing online stores from scratch, we build that all in from the start.

Off-page SEO focuses on what you do to boost search performance that’s not on your website.

This involves link building and generating backlinks, your social media and content marketing efforts, product reviews, optimization of Google My Business and more.

Full Service Online Store Development

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WooCommerce Sites

We specialize in WooCommerce web design and development.

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Subscription & Membership Sites

Sell memberships, subscriptions, protected content, downloads, and more.

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Online Course Stores

Want to teach online for profit? We can help.

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Plugin Development

Plugin installation, development, customization and more.

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Complex Integrations

Need to integrate with a legacy system? Want to connect your store to a CRM? No problem.

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Maintenance & Repair

We host, maintain and work on various e-commerce platforms.

Check out some of our e-Commerce projects.

Are you ready to sell online?

(219) 801-6745

Research That Drives Strategy Development and Fuels Traffic

Get smart, then act.
Research is what makes SEO strategy work. Without it, you’re quite literally working in the dark, wasting time and money throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Do you have the time or money to waste or “invest” in that type of process?

We didn’t think so.

As eCommerce SEO experts, research is foundational to developing the strategic vision for your SEO plan. This includes competitor analysis and consumer research that serves to paint the clearest image of your target audience possible. It also involves in-depth keyword research, including identifying long-tail keywords, to know how your customer’s search.

Generate Leads and Sales with Content

70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing.
These days it’s not enough to just have your copywriting locked in and the writing on your product pages optimized. Marketing strategies for your eCommerce business need to reach people in more ways than one.

Be it blogs, email marketing, article, press releases, etc. the idea is to create more and more keyword-rich content that’s naturally written and relevant. Giving search engines more chances to find you and generating links from websites with high domain authority in the process.

Being a full-service eCommerce SEO agency means we’ll help you develop a long-term content strategy to generate interest, leads and ultimately more sales.

SEO Reporting and Analytics

Knowledge is power.
We already mentioned how bad it is to work in the dark and as such we keep you in the know about what we’re doing and why. Everything we do as an eCommerce SEO company is data-driven and informed by the evidence.

We also make sure that you’re squarely in the loop by giving you access to SEO reporting so you can understand exactly what’s happening with each campaign, chart the success in real-time and talk meaningfully with us about the strategy.

eCommerce requires its own dedicated SEO, get in touch with us and let’s talk about the difference it can make for your business.

Are you ready for the next step?

(219) 801-6745